African Travel, Burkina Faso, Locations, West Africa

Exciting Places In Burkina Faso To Visit

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Places in Burkina Faso lacks splendid architectural wonders and many modern facilities. The climate is very harsh, and the terrains are pretty unforgiving. All these make the country one of the least explored in Africa. 

However, the country is rich in culture and it also boasts a large collection of some of the biggest and brightest animals and birds in Africa. 

Burkina Faso country

If you’re interested in enjoying first hand the unconventional beauty of places in Burkina Faso, here are five places you can start from. 

5 Exciting Places In Burkina Faso 


The biggest attraction in this city is the grand mosque in the heart of the city. Unlike the sprawling affairs of neighboring countries, this one is made entirely of mud. This gives it a cozy yet distinctive look and feel. 

If you want to explore this mosque, you’ll need to get a guide. The son of an imam will do nicely. Before you enter the mosque, be sure to dress very modestly, and remove your shoes at the entrance. However, you’d need to pay a small fee for the right to explore the mosque and tip a few people, including the guide and the kid who guards your shoes at the entrance. 

Gaoua Places In Burkina Faso 

Take a peek into the mystic and metaphysical when you visit the extraordinary city of Gaoua. This region is the ancestral home of the Lobi, a tribe of animists who have special connections to spirits. 

Burkina Faso

The Lobi are also proud and fierce warriors, which helped them resist capture during the slave trade. The Gaoua region is located between Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire, and the Lobi tribe build distinctive mid structures on their ancestral land. 

Sindou Peaks

The Sindou Peaks are needle-like peaks that have been formed by wind erosion and are more than perfect for hikes and picnics. 

You don’t need a guide to explore this place, but a guide will tell you many interesting facts about the Senoufo culture. They’ll also keep you from breaking any local traditions and tell you about how the village which now resides at the bottom of the peak, used to live a lot further up. You’ll need to pay an entrance fee and also give the guide a small tip. 

Nazinga Game Reserve Places In Burkina Faso 

This park is home to over 800 elephants and 250 species of birds, as well as several warthogs, crocodiles, monkeys, and buffaloes. 

These animals can be best seen around December and April. When the heat and dryness forces them to come to the waterhole in this reserve in search of water. 

An entry fee is required to gain access to this park, and while a guard may not be strictly necessary. They can point out the animals to you and tell you fascinating facts. 

Loropeni Ruins

These ruins are relics of a really significant period places in Burkina Faso history. At least, they are considered important enough to have been designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. 

Burkina Faso sites

Not much is known about the origins of this place or its former inhabitants. Which only contributes more to the mysterious quality of this place, which is said to be over a thousand years old. 

These days, however, the ruins are gradually being overtaken by the surrounding jungle. 

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