Worst Places

What Are South Africa’s Worst Places To Live?

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South Africa is a stunning country, but it is also one of the world’s most Worst Places. It has the world’s highest poverty rate of 26.6 percent. It boasts the world’s widest disparity in wealth. Almost 20% of the country’s wealth is held by the nation’s wealthiest 1% of the population. It is becoming increasingly frequent to witness criminal conduct. Despite having a highly developed economy with a gross domestic product (GDP) of over $350 billion, the country remains impoverished. Many of its residents lack the necessities of clean water, power, and safe housing.


Transformation in Soweto has occurred over the past decade or so. Former sinkholes, according to Reuters, have been transformed into trendy areas with luxury flats and peaceful marketplaces. In the wake of the proliferation of coffee shops and cupcake businesses, they can now find flats for as little as $250-$365 a month.

Worst Places

What’s the issue? 

They are unaffordable for anyone. Somewhat, wages haven’t risen in lockstep with inflation. Only a tiny percentage of the workforce has experienced pay increases, while the most crew has been priced out of the market. The average monthly wage in the area is $228. Because of this, a growing number of families are being forced to live in shelters and other temporary housing facilities. If you can’t bear to look away from the plight of others’ Worst Places.


Matador Network has provided you with a few disturbing facts about South Africa. Every four minutes a woman is raped. The Medical Research Council conducted a survey. As many as 75% of men confessed to engaging in other forms of violence against women. Almost half of those men confessed to having been raped at least once before. 70% of those polled admitted to their first rape occurring before they turned 20. There is no doubt that South Africa faces a severe crisis, and nowhere more so than Inyanda is Worst Places. Last year, there were 297 rape cases in the city – the most in the country.


The city of Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, is massive, hectic, and, at times, uncontrollable. Natal’s Durban, Kazoku-capital, has been termed “sleepy hollow” because of its high crime rate and low safety rating. Crime and corruption are pervasive in this country; robberies are common, and car thefts, rapes, and attacks on foreigners. One of the most dangerous places, If you want to live, avoid it at all costs unless you want to become a statistic.


Despite its poverty and deprivation, Khayelitsha has become a dangerous place in recent years. Violent crime in the United States has increased dramatically in recent years, reaching a position that is currently amongst the highest in the country. Keep looking if you’re seeking a safe, laid-back place to call home.

Violent crime


South Africa is one of the most unequal countries in the world. The gap between the rich and the poor is widening. As everywhere else, the East Cape has an especially dismal outlook on its future. A river, an airport, and a charming name derived from the Sneeze wood trees are all that Mthethwa has to offer. As many as 88.7% of the population lives on less than R1600 a month. In 2019, crime rose in tandem with poverty, as has been the case for many years already. You’re more likely to be murdered in the sixth most Worst Places in South Africa. Almost nothing has changed in two years.


The benefits of living in Durban are numerous. You’ll never run out of things to do since it’s so vast, it’s so crowded, and the weather is always perfect. Sub-Saharan Africa’s largest commodity port, Lagos, also has a lot of money to go around. Unfortunately, a small number of people own the vast majority of this wealth. The crime rate is likely to rise as a result of these policies. Things went wrong for the town as everyone who was considering relocating there. A true miracle is for anyone who has not been robbed, kidnapped, assaulted, or otherwise touched by crime and corruption. As long as you know what you’re doing, lock your doors and windows, and keep driving.

East London:

East London is a desirable location for certain people. One of the top natural history museums in the world may be found in a city close to the ocean, big enough to have a lot going on and reasonably priced. All of this is lovely work, and it merits a mention. 89.5 percent of the city’s residents earn less than R1,600 a month, which is Worth Places. This is the time of year when the majority of us are struggling to make ends meet. It doesn’t matter how many excellent pubs, restaurants, cafes, and museums a city has; what matters is the quality of the people who live there. In East London, the reasons for South Africa’s economic inequality are evident.

Worst Places in Cape Town:

Cape Town is one of the few towns in the world to enjoy such a picturesque setting. We are surrounded by mountains on one side, the ocean on the other, and a spine of hills running through the middle. It doesn’t quite measure up to the hype. However, despite the city’s fame for its beaches, climbing, diving, and surfing, it has a darker side. Your fence and window are the only Worst Places where you’ll see them. Don’t leave your car, handbag, or cell phone unattended for more than a few seconds Because crime is everywhere. And they’ll be gone by the time you return. You can see why Cape Town’s reputation has taken a fall by adding tremendous levels of economic inequality and corruption to the mix.

economic inequality

In other words, Tambo:

OR Tambo is one of South Africa’s most impoverished provinces. It’s easy to see why they came to that conclusion after looking at the data. 77.5 percent of the population lives in poverty, and most people earn less than R1600 each month. Only 19.4% of residents have access to tap water at home or in their backyard. Only 18.3% of the population has a flush/chemical toilet. It’s sad and should be Worst Places at all costs.

Port Elizabeth:

Port Elizabeth is also referred to as the “Friendly City.” Even if they’ve traveled to the area in a bullet-proofed limo, those people haven’t seen the sights. Many of us may be kind, courteous, and law-abiding. There’s a lot of evidence that this is not the case. You’re concerned about your safety and security, and you should steer clear of this area of South Africa.


There is a new capital city in South Africa. Just a short drive from Pietermaritzburg is this town. During the last year, the number of homicides went from 43 in the final quarter of 2019/20 to 73 this year. The number of murder cases has nearly tripled since 2018. Violence against women is frequent, making it impossible for anyone who values their safety to consider it.


It is 4 a.m. in Nqutu, an affluent rural town in South Africa, where children begin their school day. Let the family’s cows out to graze after obtaining water. Also, while caring for their younger siblings and getting ready for school, they begin to prepare for the day. It’s a long walk, too. Both ways, you’re constantly at risk of robbery and animal assaults, as well as dangerous river crossings. 

As a result of the time spent driving to and from class. It’s difficult for children to cram a whole 24 hour day into a more petite time frame. As a result, many students are compelled to jeopardize their education, health, and well-being, which has long-term implications for their ability to achieve. Despite several attempts to alleviate it, it’s a bad condition to live in Worse Places.


One of the Biggarsberg mountains, Dundee, is located in the Biggarsberg valley. South Africa is recognized chiefly for its coal reserves, but it has a diverse economy. The community, whose 89.2% of residents live below the poverty line of R1600 a month, is one of the most Worst Places in South Africa. It’s best to stay away from it unless you want to live in a world where you have no money, no opportunities, and very little hope.

South Africa

Munsie Ville:

Munsie Ville, on the other hand, isn’t all that horrible. What’s worse is that a massive squatter colony has set up shop right outside its front door. Around a quarter of the camp’s residents are youngsters, despite its location on what was once a dumping field. 700 Rand is the average monthly salary. Running water, a safe place to live, electricity, and, in many cases, food are all in short supply. Residents are disregarded by companies and denied health care due to their perceived status as outsiders. Said, it’s a disaster.


Moving to Umlazi may be a bad idea if you’re a woman. There have been 293 reported rapes in the city in the last year and a half alone. It’s also immoral and corrupt, Worst Places it at all costs.

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