
Visiting Seychelles- What You Need to Know

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Seychelles as a holiday destination needs no introduction. Made up of 115 granite and coral islands, this country boasts an abundance of natural gifts that make her unofficial title of “Paradise on earth” very apt indeed.

There are beaches, then there are beaches on Seychelles islands. Gorgeous does not even begin to describe these picture-perfect, palm-fringed marvels, with their endless possibilities for diving and snorkeling, and abundant marine life. If you can drag yourself away from the beach, head for a hike through the lush jungles, or explore lost islands in the bowels of this country.


Seychelles is a truly luxurious destination, with a well-earned reputation, and visiting the country is an experience you’re sure to want to repeat. Want to find out a few things about the country ahead of your trip? Read on.


Tourism is very important to Seychelles since it constitutes a big part of the country’s income. As a result of this, the country takes the safety and security of tourists very seriously. Violent crime is almost unheard of in the country, in spite of the fact that the country’s political situation is not very stable.

Stealing is frowned at, and there are stiff punishments for the crime, to deter potential thieves. Nevertheless, careless tourists will still find themselves missing items that they didn’t protect very well. The trick is to be very observant and vigilant. Conceal your valuables well, and don’t take them to the beach. 

On a good note, scammers are hard to find in the country, and tourists rarely fall victim to scams.


Mosquitoes are very many in this country, and a bite from them may transmit the chikungunya virus which causes joint pain and symptoms related to flu. The disease rarely leads to death, although it can make you very uncomfortable for a few months. Always take precautions when visiting this country by using mosquito repellents.

The water in the country is relatively safe to drink. However, there’s a high chlorine content in the water, and many people prefer to drink bottled water.

Visa Requirements

You don’t need a visa to enter the country. You’d need to convince the authorities that you’ll leave when the time allocated to you is up and to do this, you’ll be asked to present a few documents including a valid passport, your hotel voucher, your return ticket, some money, a statement of good health, and a statement that you’re not importing infected animals or plants.

People and Culture

The predominant language in the country is Seychellois Creole, although English and French are fairly common too. The people are very uncomplicated and it doesn’t take a lot to get along with them just fine. Be courteous and considerate, just like the locals are, and you can stay out of trouble.


The locals do not concern themselves too much with how you choose to dress, although you’ll need to dress modestly if you’re planning to visit places of worship.

The people are very interested in preserving the natural gifts of their land, so you’ll need to avoid disturbing the plants and animals, and littering.

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