African Republic

 Visiting Central African Republic- What You Need To Know

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The central African Republic is one of the poorest and least visited countries in Africa. In terms of tourism, the country performs well below expectations. The reason for this is fairly obvious; the country is one of the most unsafe, lawless, and corrupt countries around.

Since the country gained independence. It has struggled to make any sort of progress, with political instability and border clashes being the order of the day. Violence is also very common on the streets of this nation, with huge chunks of the country controlled by deadly warlords.

If you’re planning to visit the country for whatever reason, you may have to shelve those plans for the foreseeable future. Here are things to know about the country.

African Republic

Security Concerns

Insecurity is practically the norm in this country. The police force is very corrupt and seems to be more interested in collecting bribes than in actually providing security, particularly to visitors. They’ll man checkpoints and demand bribes from travelers, confiscating your property until you pay them. In spite of their presence on the roads, armed robbery is very common there.

Even in broad daylight, violent crime is very common here, while there’s an alcohol problem among many residents in the country. If you find yourself in the country, maintain strict vigilance, avoid places prone to violence, and don’t move around at night.


The standards of health facilities in the country are poor, especially away from the capital. You can get potable water in certain areas of the capital, and water served at some restaurants and bars may be safe to drink. Still, it’s safer to drink bottled water, as the quality or purity of the water cannot be ascertained.  You should try as much as possible to avoid drinking any water apart from bottled water away from the capital.

Cook your food properly before you eat it, and avoid eating at roadside joints, where the hygiene is questionable. If you fall ill, it may be best to meet with a doctor at any embassy, as the local hospitals may not be well-equipped to provide adequate treatment.

Visa Requirements

People from Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Israel, Liberia, the USA, and ten other countries will be allowed entry into the country for a stay of up to 90 days without a visa. Every other person will require a visa.

You can apply for a visa in any of the country’s embassies. You get a choice between single entry or multiple entry visas. Single entry visas last three months while multiple entry visas will last for a year.

People and Culture

There are 80 ethnic groups in this country and each of these groups has their language. One thing that’s very common about people from this country, however, is their warmness and generosity, even beyond their means. They are very friendly, and like most other African societies, the greeting is important here.

If a local invites you to eat, often, they are inviting you to eat from the same bowl as them. If you accept their invitation, eat with your right hand. The left hand is used for bathroom purposes, and a typical local considers the left hand unsanitary.

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