African Travel, Cameroon, Locations

Visit Cameroon- What You Should Know

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Planning on heading over to visit Cameroon for your next holiday trip? Great choice! Known as “Africa in Miniature”, Cameroon offers an experience like no other. 

However, before you go, it’s a smart idea to find out about your destination before heading out. It’ll help you get an idea of the lay of the land and avoid contravening local laws. 

Here’s a quick tip: go with your swimming trunks and hiking gear!

Safety Concerns

The biggest safety concern faced by the country is a recurring one and has been going on for some time now. 

A jihadist group based predominantly in Nigeria, Boko Haram, also operates within the country. This group’s stated aim is to turn the country into an Islamic caliphate, and they implement brutal forms of Sharia law to offenders. 

chad Boko in Cameroon country

They’ve been known to kidnap Americans, Europeans, and other Westerners in the past, and usually travel on pick-up trucks and motorbikes. 

To stay safe, it’s best to avoid any religious discussion with the natives completely. Also, avoid public consumption of alcohol and do not form overly large groups. 

Apart from this, violence is not too pronounced in the country, although you’d need to be careful when wearing flashy items in public.


There’s a strong police and military presence throughout the country, due to the threat of violence from separatist and extremist groups. So, you may be required to present your identification periodically. Normally, your passport will suffice. There are other options though:

  • For about FCFA 1,000, you can get your passport legalized at any police station in the country
  • If you’re planning on staying for longer, getting a resident card is a good idea. Just budget about FCFA 5,000 for this, even though the actual price may be less. Also, avoid illegal means to get this permit, as this may attract stiff punishment.

Visit Cameroon People Health

Due to the strong prevalence of yellow fever in the country, a yellow fever certificate is required before entry into the country is granted. Malaria is also common in several parts of the country, along with various tropical diseases such as dysentery and hepatitis. 

yellow fever

To be safe, don’t drink tap water without first boiling or sterilizing it. A better option is to only drink bottled water, which is available throughout the country for a reasonable price. You may also need to pack some malaria drugs along with you when planning for the trip.

Visit Cameroon People

Cameroon did not arrive at its tag as a miniature Africa by accident. The country is home to several ethnicities, with English and French being the major languages spoken. 

There’s also a multitude of other languages and traditions in the country, along with several religious affiliations. 

For the most part, the people are warm, friendly, and welcoming, but certain things are considered taboo, and you should avoid them. For instance, it is inappropriate to shake with your left hand. Due to religious tension in the country, it’s also best to avoid advertising your religion too much, especially in the northern part of the country.

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