Entertainment, Politics

Popular Amazing Stories of Africa

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Africa is full of beauty, music, joy, food and the people of a good soul. African people  not just help for self but also help others to remove the obstacles from their ways. Today in this article we will talk about some of the very inspiring and amazing stories of Africa, which you all must read and follow too if you can.

Story Of Brother Peter Tabichi

Peter Tabichi is a teacher by profession. He teaches maths and science. The ultimate goal of his life is to develop the deep desire of studying in the students. He especially takes care and takes the responsibility of developing an interest in science among the girls. Most of his salary he spends on the education of those poor students who are not able to continue their schooling just because of the school fee. For his noble work, he was awarded the Global teacher award in March.

Blessed Mother an Amazing Stories

It is truly said ‘where, there is a will, there is a way.’ The same happened in the case of an African girl, Almaz Derese. Almaz is a twenty-one-year-old married girl. She had a great desire to study. When she was to give birth to a new baby, she was also to sit in the secondary exam. It was very painful for her to continue both the preparation for exams and caring for herself and the baby inside her altogether. However, She managed all these things successfully. Just before the final exam, she felt the final labour pain and after that, she gave a boy baby. Just after 30 minutes of giving birth, she also got prepared for appearing in the exam. Though she was doubtful about the result of the exams, she passed with 75% which was a very brilliant job done by her.

Love For Nature

Alfred Brownwell, By profession,  is a lawyer and an activist. About 500,000 acres of rainforest area was to be cleared for the expansion and increasing of plants of palm oil. He was not happy with this all. He documented this all and the result of this was very good on nature as well as on people. This made the other people and the owner of the company realise his faults. Finally, the clearance of rainforest was stopped and for this, he was awarded a Major environmental prize.

Mr. Jordan Kinyera is a lawyer but it was not his dream. He never thought to be a lawyer but one incident in his life made him what he is today. About 24 years ago Mr. Kinyera’s father lost his land property. At that time his father didn’t have much wealth so he could not take any action against this. This loss of land property made him study the law and become a lawyer. Now after becoming a lawyer, he changed everything and the court also told the decision of land in his favour. Now he is determined to help all those people who need the help of lawyers but don’t have enough resources to pay for them.

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