
Is It A Good Idea To Visit Congo?

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Also known as Congo-Brazzaville to differentiate it from its much bigger and slightly more illustrious neighbor, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Republic of Congo is still forging its own identity after bloody and prolonged bouts of fighting. 

The country is not a big tourist draw, but it should be. The capital, Brazzaville, is ultra-modern and forward-thinking, with warm people, riveting culture, and vibrant nightlife. However, that’s only a small part of this country’s allure. The country is also an ecotourist’s dream, with spellbinding landscapes and majestic wildlife. 

The Republic of Congo might not boast the same reputation as its more illustrious neighbors, but it does possess an unmistakable, quiet brilliance. Here are a few things to know about the country, in case you interested in visiting. 


Security and Safety

This country, including the capital, is one of the safest places in the whole of Africa. Violent crimes are practically unheard of, and even petty crimes against foreigners are pretty rare. That said, crimes of opportunity such as pickpocketing and mugging usually occur, particularly at night, but they do so with far less frequency than what obtains in other countries. 

It’s generally safe to walk around at night in the country but do so without your valuables. It’s also smart to be vigilant at all times. All things considered, though, Brazzaville is pretty safe. 

Avoid demonstrations, though, as the authorities will not fail to deal swiftly and often high-handedly with dissent. 


More than many other countries in Africa, this country has a very high prevalence of HIV/AIDS, and the mortality rate is similarly high. Therefore, under no circumstances should you indulge in unprotected sex. 

Medical facilities in the country are well below standard. There is a direct shortage of modern equipment, physicians, and supplies. 

Malaria is also very rife in the country and the best thing to do is to prevent yourself from falling sick. Use repellents all over your body, and sleep under mosquito nets. 

Visa Requirements

Citizens of countries such as Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Benin, Morocco, Niger, Chad, etc, can get a visa on arrival. 

People from all other countries require to apply for a visa before venturing into the country. Before you can begin the application process for a visa, you would need to obtain an invitation letter from Congo, and take it, along with a copy of your plane tickets, to the Republic of Congo embassy closest to you. 


People and Culture

French is the main and official language spoken in the country, along with indigenous languages such as Kituba and Lingala. 

The people of the Republic of Congo are very warm and welcoming. However, there are racial tensions in the country, and white visitors should be careful. 

The Republic of Congo also very liberal and as such, people are free to dress whichever way they please, although modesty preferences. In the capital, Brazzaville, don’t be surprised to see women dressing like any other woman in Western countries. 

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