African Travel, Mauritania

What To Know Before Visiting Mauritania

Despite being one of the poorest and least developed countries in Africa, Mauritania is a country of soulful, immense beauty. A country of extremes and contradictions, the country characterizes by the desert and the ocean, along with spectacular scenery and wildlife. These qualities should ordinarily make this country a sort of tourist mecca, yet there’s… Read More What To Know Before Visiting Mauritania

Namibia, South Africa

Visiting Namibia- What You Need To Know

Namibia is one country that will leave you completely in awe. Located in Southern Africa, bordered by South Africa, Angola, and Zambia, Namibia boasts captivating sights, diverse wildlife, and truly wonderful people. Explore captivating landscapes while enjoying the warmth in the hearts and hearths of Africa. Peer, spellbound over miles and miles of horizons, and… Read More Visiting Namibia- What You Need To Know


What You Need To Know About Angola Before You Visit

More than many other countries, Angola has suffered a very turbulent past, a fact amply reflected in the country’s apathetic attitude to tourism and an even more striking paucity of infrastructural amenities, despite the country’s huge oil wealth.  Now, however, having consigned most of the darkest memories of its checkered past to the lonely recesses… Read More What You Need To Know About Angola Before You Visit


Is Visiting Sudan A Good Idea?

Sudan is not a very popular tourist destination, to say the least. The country’s troubled history with terrorism, political instability, and other conflicts has made most tourists prefer another destination to this  sudan country. However, for those willing to brave the odds and walk the road less traveled, this country offers an enriching experience.  Discover… Read More Is Visiting Sudan A Good Idea?